Wednesday 23 October 2013

Intergenerational Learning

It's been a long time in the planning and too long if I was honest in the conceptualisation stage.  Finally the new social enterprise feels real and active.  Table tennis session planned for a care home, screening of the wonderful film 'Ping Pong' scheduled, two visits arranged from care homes to a local junior school and more in the pipeline.

There's an energy about hands-on work that I believe is essential to the life-blood and credibility of any service, in particular of social enterprises.  The wise words of Cliff Prior often echo around my head when I get too conceptual and avoid the really hard job of admitting your venture is flawed and imperfect and yet having the desire to make a difference that overcomes any imperfection.

Today was a great example of this process; doorstepping leads to the discovery of wonderful people with shared aspirations. And difficult questions.  But these questions are real and valuable in comparison to the 'what if?' stuff that goes on in your head.

It's early days but the wind has changed. Time for action, time for schools and care homes to partner up.  Who will be the early adopters?  Stop it!