Working in my home town of Sheffield has brought back some strong memories of being a pupil. And some guilt about missed opportunities.
Looking back, the focus was the individual, with little status attached to helping others out. I remember as a sixth former volunteering to be a paired reader for a younger pupil in school. We would sit in the library and read for half an hour in our lunch break. I'd listen, offer help and say well done!- I didn't receive any training to do the task, but I guess was using a kind of 'Pause, Prompt, Praise' methodology.
At the time I have to be honest, it didn't feel much of an accomplishment. As I reflect on my time at secondary school, it was probably the most important thing I did during my whole time there.
And this is our challenge; to reward and recognise a far wider range of behaviours and achievements so that every aspect of a young person can shine through. Reminds me of the pupil sent to praise pod at St. Joseph's primary school for putting a smile on the teacher's face. And as we know it takes less muscles to smile than
grimace. . .