Sunday, 24 May 2009

Pass it on!

Simply taking the time to pass on good news is priceless. It doesn't matter how; as long as we do.

I came across this post-it note in the middle of SATS week- a wonderful learning mentor taking the time to let a teaching colleague know about how well an ex-pupil is doing on reintegration to mainstream school.

What else do you see in schools that tells you there is a positive culture? Have a look at the new praise pod site and join the forum. This is a behavioural action plan in the making.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Power and perspectives

Who sets the agenda?
What constitutes 'good behaviour'?
who decides?
and if we're working together; who sets the agenda?

Check Tom Cavanagh's blog post for another angle on collaboration. Makes me want to re-examine the idea of 'voice and influence' in schools. One of my daughters informed me that the school council wasn't meeting because the teacher in charge was off sick. Oooh I wonder what decisions would have been made in their absence if 'voice' and 'influence' were not separate notions. . .