Thursday 27 August 2009

The benefit of Foresight

Big thanks to Dr Catherine Wright for bringing this research to my attention- like a 3-D Every Child Matters, and schematics that leave no stone unturned.  I can't imagine a better model to give permission for so many people to do what they have always known in their hearts makes sense, and makes a difference.  From housing to husbands, from diet to dreams; it's all there in the mix.

Too often policy is perceived as an elaborate 'out there' schema, yet more and more policy seems to be giving permission for individuals to take small, daily actions that will make a difference.  And isn't it true; every time a child is acknowledged for a positive action the mean curve of human esteem is pushed just that little bit along in the right direction.  Mass prevention impacting on minorities and majorities alike; by daily deeds and thoughts. . . 

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