The positive reaction from all schools in the community of Rawmarsh to the Praise Pod project has been amazing. In particular the young people just 'get it' instinctively and have taken to operating the Pod's like ducks to water. It will be great to support everyone's involvement in this project and be part of celebrating what's so good about our young people.
Rawmarsh delivers praise in a pod.
The positive reaction from all schools in the community of Rawmarsh to the Praise Pod project has been amazing. In particular the young people just 'get it' instinctively and have taken to operating the Pod's like ducks to water. It will be great to support everyone's involvement in this project and be part of celebrating what's so good about our young people.
young people 'just getting' technology. Who'd have thought it! We'd better book in for some pupil led training to update our skills.
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