Tuesday, 11 January 2011

It's in the detail. . .

Here are the 'Praisepodians' from Grange Primary School.  We were talking about the ingredients that make a Praise Pod area feel right; lighting, warmth and warmth (one about temperature, the other about a feeling) It became clear that an amazing amount of care had gone into getting the lighting just right.  A combination of daylight, diffused by drawn blinds, combined with particular ceiling lighting created a perfect feel and avoided any glare or pixelation by the Macbook's webcam.

We instinctively know when a learning space feels right and the Praisepodians help remind us that time spent on the detail is as important as the big picture stuff.  A fab team and available at very reasonable consultancy rates for any schools deliberating lighting solutions for their Praise Pod space. . .

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