Thursday, 11 October 2012


I've heard the word 'creativity' used a lot this week; sadly prefaced with 'it's killing my. . . " or "they are stifling my. . .

As a result I know fantastic people who are leaving their professions and saying goodbye to what is still their passion.  And why? Because children are reduced to numbers and ranked by their levels and staff micromanaged by structures and people that employ the very opposite forms of positive behaviour management that we all know work so well.

I so hope that the words of Sir Ken Robinson lead to the kind of deep-rooted change that is so needed.  Structures that hold authority desperately need to grow their creativity, and yet as far as I can see, the pressure to be seen to be busy and held accountable to the minute detail is serving only to drive away any such resource.  All that might be left is a mindset of protectionism, power and control.

Then again that might not be such a bad thing as such places will surely become increasingly irrelevant islands.

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